CP1ip.info Communicating the Power Healing Arts

Communicating the Power/Identity Project (CP1ip.info) initiatives: Supportive palliative healing ARTS. Emboldening the at-risk: adults/youth into knowing their TRUE WORTH--illuminated by their own positive creative expression! Empowerment Tools to end retraumatization.

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Wednesday May 13, 2020

"Bridges" - reflecting on how we can breakdown the barriers others present and work past the internal boundaries to find empathy and cooperate best for relationship success -- without sacrificing our own value within the bond. Thank you for joining me! You all stay well! - Ms. L.

Tuesday May 05, 2020

A Missive on Inner Beauty - on Living (alive) beauty... our beautification. The truth about self-objectification and how we open the door to deepen self hatred. We must know our gifts and strength and allow them to flourish. Internal validation versus external expectations. Ending the emptiness of a superiority complex, too! Love yourself for your true worth and see the true beauty in others! (Thank you for Listening to this weeks empowerment episode. You all stay well!)

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020

A meditation on the empathy we have as those who have endured grave loss. There's a clarity found in sharing without shame that you are grieving. If someone shames you or shuts down - they are in pain. You, as the bereaved one are simply shedding light on your reality. "Grief as Light"....Yet still there must be empathy for them....Honesty about grief sheds the light, our healing strength. Our hope made Bright."  (c) 2020, cp1ip.info all rights reserved

A Morning Prayer

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020

Jesus Lord, I offer you this new day... A Morning Prayer read by Ms. Lauren. Have a good day. Please stay well.

Monday Apr 20, 2020

This episode offers definitive actions you can choose to impact how others respond versus react to you from their own view. And these actions bring you success in relating in community and in loving relationships. (C) copyright 2010-2020, cp1ip.info, communicatingthepower.org All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020

The dynamic energy of Love and Faith are a balancing constant in spite of our reactions on the offense or defense. By choosing Love and hopefulness we reinvent our emotional mode of operation to achieve goals we aspire to genuinely. We leave behind the benchmarks set by others expectations and that we used to measure others opinions of us by. When you like who you are your energy has healing power to you and others. (C) 2010-2020 cp1ip.info All Rights Reserved.

Thursday Apr 02, 2020

Change your thinking to decrease anxiety. Motivational reflections followed by empowering readings. (C) 2020, cp1ip.info

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020

Seven Points of Hope: Duty, Honor, Courage, Commitment, Integrity, Community and Service. Each of these enacted in your life encourage your self worth and your trust to engage in community. A Write Reflections exercise to delve into how you can enact these values. 

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020

This is the companion Write Reflections exercise to create empowering words through exploring the topic: Nature and Nurture: Understanding Your True Goodness by Communicating the Power-the identity project

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020

Understanding your true goodness - for goodness sake. Moving forward in our own true nature to bring you the success you've always intended to have. Seeing your critics for their fearful nature and silencing fear with love. A companion Write Reflections exercise is featured in another episode to delve into this topic. 

©2023-2024, cp1ip.org, cp1ip.info CommunicatingthePower.org and The Identity Project(s) Roger that! communications. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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